Hello, my name’s Katherine and I’m a primary school teacher from Burton-on-Trent (Staffordshire, UK).In April 2013 I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) following a visit to the accident and emergency department at the local hospital.Everything changed from that moment onwards.I underwent a grueling schedule of chemotherapy and radiotherapy before I had a stem cell transplant in October 2013 - I’m eternally grateful to the Anthony Nolan charity and my mystery German donor for this life-saving transplant.I’ve spent more than 110 days in hospital since my diagnosis - the majority of which has been spent at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.I’m constantly in the media as I try to raise awareness, raise money and increase the number of blood, organ and stem cell donors - as well as campaigning Government with new ideas and requests for change.
East Midlands regional finalist for a 2014 Pride of Britain Award
Winner of the 101 Touch FM ‘Pride of Burton’ award - June 2014.
Winner - ‘Champion the Year’ - Cure Leukaemia awards - October 2014
Finalist in the ‘Best in Care’ awards with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham - October 2014
Regional Journalist of the Year (joint with my husband Stephen) - Anthony Nolan Supporter Awards 2014
Commended - ‘Volunteer of the Year’ - Anthony Nolan Supporter Awards 2014